Debugging Without Local Server Made Me Old 😭

For people like me, who don’t want to pay for hosting, can be a great alternative. It’s free and easy to use. However, it can be a bit tricky to set up. Especially if you are trying to customize your page.

I struggled to figure out how to run locally, and not surprisingly, I ended up wasting so much time. I had to push my changes to Github and check if it worked every time I made a change. (Are you surprised yet on my patience 🫠? Cause I am lol.) So, I decided to write a blog post about it so that I can save someone’s time and energy.

Unfortunately, this blog is not about explaining why I love or how to setup a customized blog. As I will be simply sharing the steps and commends that allows to run local server for, if you are curious about what is, you can check out this link.

First, you need to install github-pages gem and jekyll.

gem install github-pages

then you can go ahead build the site locally. You will see _site folder in your directory, which converts your markdown files into html files.

jekyll build

lastly, you can run the local server. This will run build and serve the site locally.

jekyll serve

Credit to this blog for helping me to figure out how to run locally.